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Archie · 13136

Offline Archie

  • Administrátor
  • Ošlehanej laserovými paprsky
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    • Příspěvků: 781
    • Karma: 49
kdy: 25. Únor 2011 22:54:43
OEM verze DACu připojitelná "skrz" klasickou LANku (Ethernet) - dobrý jako vestavitelný interface přímo do laseru - netahají se ILDA kabely, ale klasický Ethernet. Nehledě na fakt, že to hravě lze propojit skrz Wifi.

PHOENIX-Interface for PC connection by Network

    *  6+1 Colors (8 Bit)
    *  optical isolated DMX-512-in and out (no connectors)
    *  15 x TTL-out, (no connectors)
    *  ILDA-Output
    *  200k Scanner-Speed
    *  XY 16 Bit Resolution
    * Memory-Card inside to store up to 256 Effects / shows on a 1GB Memory-Card. Shows can be controlled by up to 15 DMX-Channels (rotations, movements, Speed...)
    * Art-Net
    * Auto-IP or fix-IP can be adjusted comfortable in the WEB-Menu
    * OEM-Version (without any housings!!! For implementing in your personal Lasersystem)

  Note: For using the OEM-Version, you need also several electronic components and a 9-14V Powersupply with 2A. Also maybe housing-components, brackets etc.

•  IEEE 802.3u 100BASE-TX Full Duplex Ethernet Interface
•  Supports TCP/IP protocol and UDP
•  Supports Auto MDI/MDIX
•  Supports Auto-IP (APIPA) and DHCP
•  Supports UPnP
•  High Performance System on Chip with a 32 bit CPU
•  32 Megabyte RAM on board
•  Maximum frame size 16,000 pixels
•  Dual frame buffer for uninterrupted shows 
•  Jitter-free playing for optimal, highly stable output
•  6 colour outputs and Intensity each 8 bits, 16 millions colour variants
•  Switchable colour signal level 5 V / 10 V 
•  16-bit Digital Out (3,3V logic)
•  Fixed IP address adjustable with DIP-switch (16 device addresses and 2
•  Variable IP-address via web interface adjustable as required.
•  Easy power supply 9 – 12 V DC /400 mA with reverse polarity protection
•  ILDA standard data link fully symmetrical
•  Up to 10 PHOENIX Net cards can be operated simultaneously with one PC
•  DMX support for 512 channels input and output potential-free
•  Firmware updates possible via network
•  Ready for integrated Subpoint-Colorshifting in the microsecond region
•  Integrated SD-card slot for standalone player functions
•  Art-Net in and out for DMX and TTL
•  DMX, Art-Net and TTL Routing in/out

Bye A.